Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How black people are negatively stereotyped through the media, and what are the effects of this?

Do negative stereotypes for black people can give the wrong impression to society?
How is this negative stereotype being displayed/ performed?
What effect does it give to black people?
How does British culture portray black people?
How does Tyler Perry portray black people on a whole?

Linked-style production piece:
I will be working with Ruby and we will be doing a short documentary style production, which will include mini interviews which express feelings and thoughts for this particular topic also include facts and example from the 3 media platforms.

Media texts:
Tyler Perry’s films as a comparison
The Moors
Malcolm X

Daily Mail article


Academic Texts:
Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Masks
Malcolm X
Aimé Césaire: Notebook of the Return Native Land

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Which assessment objectives are examined in Mest 4?
AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts (and critical debates)
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and processes (and evaluating their own practical work) to show how meanings and responses are created

How recent is a ‘contemporary’ text, according to AQA?
5 years

How long should the critical investigation be?
2000 words

Can the critical investigation be carried out in groups?

In what part of the assignment are you required to record evidence of secondary research?
Critical research

What is the maximum length for a moving image production?
No more than 5 minutes

What is the maximum requirement for a print production per individual?
Should be at least 3 pages

What is the maximum production group size?
No more than 4

What is the highest level awarded in the level descriptors?
Level 4

Select 10 keywords from the Level 4 descriptor for each of:
A.      The critical investigation
Analytical investigation,
Clear, critical perspective,
Wide-ranging research,
Wide range of academic,
Media and contextual sources
Demonstrates sophisticated research
Sophisticated knowledge and understanding of media concepts,
Contexts and critical debates relevant to the chosen area of investigation
Linked production piece effectively within the contemporary media landscape

B.      The linked production
Aesthetically successful product
High production values
Demonstrates highly competent use of technology
Significant understanding of relevant institutional
Significant understanding of genre codes and conventions
Production is highly appropriate technically
The production is highly aesthetically and institutionally within the contemporary media landscape.